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bugs activity
Internet access by bugs - Wed 06 Mar 2002
- Time: Time of day (hours:minute:second) at which
this site was first visited. The time of the last visit
is also shown.
- Site: The name of the site to which this user
- Minutes: The number of minutes and seconds
that were spent connected to this site. All breaks of
more than 5:00 minutes are not
included in this amount.
- Pages: The number of HTML pages that were
downloaded from this site. If any HTML pages were
downloaded from the site, the entry for the is
highlighted. HTTPS connections are counted as a single
- Downloads: The number of objects of any type that
were downloaded from this site, ie. a HTML page, a
HTTPS connection, an image, a style sheet, a javascript
page, etc
- Size: The volume of data downloaded over the
connection to this site
Generated at Fri Mar 19 11:17:05 2004 by squid.example.com [16769 of 18029 records in 0:11]
$Id: squint.pl,v 1.21 2004/01/07 08:55:50 andrewm Exp $