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dennis activity Wed 06 Mar 2002 to Wed 13 Mar 2002

Internet usage summary for dennis:
    Time on-line 1:09:48 (The total time spent by this user on the internet)
    Total data transferred 13 Mbytes (The number of bytes downloaded by this user)
    Longest session 0:59:23 The longest continuous time spent by this user on the internet (on Monday 11 March)
Daily usage summary
    Date Minutes Sites Pages Size
    Wed 06 Mar 2002 20:53 6 25 2433 kbytes
    Mon 11 Mar 2002 48:54 8 27 10 Mbytes
Time of day usage pattern (Number of minutes per hour that this user browses the internet)
    Hour of day (8 means 08h00 - 08h59)
    Wed 06 Mar 200281020:21
    Mon 11 Mar 200234150:49


Generated at Fri Mar 19 11:18:15 2004 by squid.example.com [69418 of 168170 records in 1:21]
$Id: squint.pl,v 1.21 2004/01/07 08:55:50 andrewm Exp $